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Flow of Consultation, Research Implementation and Reporting

CBR thoroughly communicates with clients from the first stage of consultation or request of research. Skilled professional staffs will provide lists of hypothesis inspection and research methods, and construct the perfect plan not only based on the research objective, but also based on full understanding of the client’s business needs and corporate environment.

The background and aim of research will be confirmed via telephone, email or consultation. In order to ensure that effective data will be collected to meet goals, consultation will be done carefully for a few days, or sometimes longer, on the following points:

2. Presentation of Research Plan
CBR will present a research plan based on consultation with client. Client’s internally prepared plan could be provided to further smoothen understanding between the two parties.



 A Background and Aim of Research


Specify background and reason on why research was requested


Confirm matters that need solving and analyzing



 B Content of Research


Goal-achieving plan will be constructed based on requested time and budget


Consider whose opinion will lead to solving issues and consider its feasibility
Decide on screening requirements and number of respondents


Proposal of most ideal method based on requested timeline and budget
(Schedule and fee may vary according to research method)

Research Points

Based on current challenge, decide what points are to be researched
(To become the base of questionnaire)


Specify in case particular compilation method is adopted


Specify in case particular analysis method is adopted


Confirm necessity of reporting. In case reporting is needed, specify requested format, such as hard copy, data, or presentation



 C Schedule

Scheduling is done taking into consideration of days needed for preparation of presentation materials, requested date of final delivery, topic and seasonality, what period to and not to overlap. (Days needed from planning, implementation to reporting may vary according to research method and numbers of respondents) 



D Research Fee

Compromise will be worked out between client’s budget and ideal numbers of respondents, method and period of research. As numbers of respondents will have major impact on fees, examination of fee will be based on required accuracy of data and importance of topic.

3. Plan Approval
Client to give approval on proposed research plan.
4. Contract
Contract will be signed between client and CBR before the first dealing.
5. Research Implementation and Reporting
Research will be implemented upon green light from client. From data offering to presentations, reporting style will be customized to each client’s request.
6. Additional Consolidation, Analysis and Research
Further consolidation, additional methods, questions or research could be arranged if needed.

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